About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

IW Councillors Report: September


4:30-5pm, Tuesday 4th September, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 4th September, Sports Bar, IW Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
6-6:30pm, Tuesday 11th September, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 18th September, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
1-1:30pm, Wednesday 26th September, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 26th September, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
4:30-5pm Tuesday 2nd October, Cowes Library, Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 2nd October, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.

Road Surfaces.

The IW Council responded to concerns over the failure of the surface dressing binder on certain roads on the Island, which includes Newport Road.

I’m advised the contractor accepted liability and will undertake necessary remedial works after the summer season.

Following a request made through me by a local resident, over the lack of skid resistance warning signs, I requested additional warning signs which have now appeared on Newport Road.

The response from the Director, I emailed to Local Councillors, and concerned local residents last month.

PFI Update.

An Extra Ordinary Meeting of the Isle Of Wight Council was held on the 22nd August, to agree with proceeding with the Island’s PFI, under the Vinci Meridium Consortium.

Although like several residents, I’ve had questions about the Council’s Highway’s Private Finance Initiative (most which are robustly answered), I am very much in support of the PFI initiative. The PFI will provide much needed investment into the Island’s roads, and from my perspective when I discuss issues with residents, the condition of our roads and pavements always feature high in the issues residents consider important.

Inevitably, there will be considerable disruption over the next seven years, however I have been appeased by Officers that safeguards will be in place to ensure the Island’s Economy is not adversely affected.

Localisation of Council Tax Support.

Next year, the amount of funding the IW Council receive from government will be reduced by 10%.

As part of the government’s welfare reform programme, the existing scheme for people who claim Council Tax Benefit will be replaced by a localised Council Tax Support scheme from 1st  April, 2013.  The thinking behind these reforms are to get more working aged people into employment.

Earlier this week I attended a seminar to look at options, a brief Councillors on how this is likely to progress.  The options that are available to make up any shortfall includes options to 1. Raise Council Tax; 2. Reduce Expenditure and 3. Introduce a requirement for some of those residents currently in receipt of the benefit to contribute towards the cost of the council tax levied on their property.  Consultation on options will begin from 24th September.

The final decision as to how Council Tax Benefit entitlement will be applied, and to whom will be considered by the IW Councillors following imminent consultation. At present it seems likely pensioners entitlement will remain intact.

Feedback on Blood Testing Waiting Times, St Mary’s Hospital.

Thank you to residents who contacted me following the appeal which I made in response to Blood Tests.

Dr Stainer from Cowes Medical Centre advised me that the Surgery had investigated taking blood themselves, however given issues which included parking availability in Cowes this proved problematic.

Cowes Medical Centre’s Patients Group also looked into this, and because of imminent changes at St Mary’s Hospital, no further action was taken.  I will continue to monitor, and continue to welcome feedback from residents on this matter.

Trading Standards: Speculative Cold Calls.

I’ve referred to Trading Standards complaints made over hard selling techniques being used by security firms.  If you’ve received such calls please contact Trading Standards 01983 823370.

Have you received  a ‘phone call concerning compute gliches? As I reported earlier this year such calls are bogus and residents are reminded not to disclose personal information.  As always, if a call sounds too good to be true, this is usually because it is!

New Powers for Community Support Officers.

Throughout this summer, I have lost count of the telephone calls that I have received from residents who have complained about cyclists using the pavement on Cowes/ Gurnard Seafront.

I therefore welcome new powers that have been introduced by the Hampshire Constabulary giving our Council’s Community Support Officers powers to issue fixed penalties (£30) to cyclists using footpaths.  Other powers CSO’s now have include confiscation of alcohol in restricted areas and confiscation of alcohol/ tobacco in the procession of those under 18. 

Youth Advisors.

One project, I was anxious to see come to fruition earlier this year was the appointment of Youth Advisors to sit on local Town and Parish Council.  This was made all the more important, as I was advised that Cowes Youth Forum also had no young people within their Committee.

Following no Advisors being appointed by Cowes Enterprise College, I approached the Isle of Wight Youth Council, to request their support in filling vacancies at Cowes Town Council and Northwood Parish Council.

Following this approach, I can report that a Youth Councillor has been nominated to join Cowes Town Council’s Town Improvements, Northwood Recreation Ground Committee and Cowes Youth Forum.

Once the new school opens later this year, I am anxious to ensure that the College takes advantage of the offer made by local Council’s.

Cowes Enterprise College.

During August, I received a number of telephone calls, visits and emails from parents and students concerned about delays being caused in relocating to the new school site in Crossfield Avenue.

From what I am advised, the relocation has had to be put back by 6 weeks, following the weather conditions which restricted the contractors meeting the timeframe they were asked to keep to.  Further to concerns which were raised, I am happy to report that children will return to school as normal on 4th September!

Cowes Library- Book Signing Opportunity

Adrian Searle will be at Cowes Library on Thursday 6th September 7 - 9pm to talk and sign copies of his new book 'The Spy Beside the Sea, the extraordinary wartime story of Dorothy O'Grady'. You can bring your own copy, whilst Waterstones Bookshop will be at the event to sell copies of the book. The event is a free and tickets are available from Cowes Library. Refreshments will be provided by the Supporters of Cowes Library.

For further details contact the Library on 293341.

DEFRA Consultation on the Isle of Wight Coastal Path.

There is currently a consultation underway to include the Isle of Wight under the terms of the above act.

The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 provides for a coastal trail to be established around the whole English coast.

Here on the Isle of Wight we are short of having a comprehensive Coastal Path as half of the existing path runs either inland or along public roads. More than 10 miles of our northern coastline between Yarmouth and Ryde have no public access or footpath.

A study commissioned by the Countryside Agency identified the South West Coastal Path is worth over £300 million each year to that region's economy. Pro rata that to the Isle of Wight coast line, could be worth £34 million pa and support circa 800 jobs for our Island economy.

The Isle of Wight is not automatically included under the provisions of the 2009 Act. A special Order will need to be prepared and signed at the discretion of the Environment Minister for us to be covered. If DEFRA and Natural England continue with their original outline plans Coastal Access for the Island will not be considered before 2019.  

Following several months of campaigning by the IOW Ramblers, DEFRA have now issued a consultation paper to seek opinions on both whether such an order should be signed and also what priority should be given to the Island for the implementation of the 2009 Act.

Organisations and residents can submit their views to this Consultation through the following link to DEFRA's website- http://www.defra.gov.uk/consult/2012/07/24/iow-access-mcaa/.  The deadline for this consultation ends 16th November.

In the Last month:

·        Gurnard’s Pre-School Planning Application was approved, following this being signed off under delegated powers.  The Pre-school had met with neighbours to overcome issues that were of concern, and on balance I considered the grounds for refusing this application to be untenable in light of local support.
·         Cliff Cottage was also narrowly Approved by the IW Council’s Planning Committee, by 5 votes to 4.
·         I was approached by Age UK to intervene, after concerns were raised by residents that seating and litter bins were not replaced on Cowes Seafront following the Queens visit. Following passing on residents’ requests, action was taken to replace seating and bins for Cowes Week.
·         During Cowes Week, I had to get the intervention of the IW Council and Police to move a parked motor home, which was causing an obstruction in Princes Esplanade.
·         Work has begun to replace fencing on the Coastal Path between Gurnard and Thorness.
·         I called another meeting between the IW Council and Gurnard Parish Council, to progress the disposal of the former Gurnard School Playing Field and Orchard. I remain positive that the Parish Council will favourably consider maintaining the Playing Field and Orchard and providing public access until this is formally marketed. In the meantime, the IW Council has arranged to cut the Playing Field.
·         The IW Council, has had to temporarily fix one of Southern Water’s manhole covers that has remained hazardous since July.
·         I organised a meeting with IW Council’s Street Lighting Department and Southern Electricity to discuss ideas put by the CBA for Christmas Lighting at a recent meeting. In order to place an order for this year, the CBA were advised details would need to be supplied later this month.
·         I organised for a local Baring Road resident to have weeds brambles removed from his garden, as these had spread from nearby IW Council owned land.
·         I called a meeting with the Secretary of Cowes Golf Club, following complaints received over the removal of shrubbery from the Golf courses perimeter. Since then, Ive been asked to resolve an issue relating to stray Golf Balls landing in a particular property in Baring Road..
·        I have passed on information to residents concerning the spread of Japanese Knotweed.  In Baring Road Knotweed has needed to be treated due to this undermining the pavement.
·       I undertook a letterdrop and organised a meeting with Planning Policy Officers and Parish Councillors following concerns being raised over SHLAA sites.
·    I am in the process of dealing with a complaint concerning Parking Permits.
·   I was very happy to endorse Cowes Harbour Commissions’ Cowes Breakwater Project.
·    I have posted my Register Of Interests On-line, through my blog.  I hope shortly, to post this via iwight.com.
·      I have been asked to support residents living adjacent to Solent Lawns woodland.  Residents have requested my support in seeing a management plan for the woodland is put in place.
·     I accompanied Andrew Turner MP on his surgeries when he came to Cowes Co-Op and Gurnard.
·        I was invited to a Coffee Morning at Briary Court, and was asked to deal with ten action points relating to concerns held by residents.  I am awaiting a response from officers as to these outcomes and a further invitation has been received for this month.
·       I asked officers to deal with obstructive bollards (Park Road), hedgerows (Cockleton Lane, Winding Way, Place Road, Newport Road), noisy generators (Rew Street), and uncollected refuse (Crossfield Avenue). 
Within the Planning Committee, I supported proposals for a photovoltaic system on AONB land at Whitwell. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paul, you comments please on the asphalt plant plans... just outside my front door!
