About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Annual Report, April 2012

Paul Fuller 

Independent Isle of Wight Councillor for Cowes West and Gurnard. 
Annual Report: APRIL 2012.

This is my third report and summarises my work as your councillor for the past 12 months.
All Councillors are under an obligation to write a 300 word annual report each year, which features on the IW Councils website.

Rather than ‘just write a report’, that would largely go unnoticed on iwight.com I believe it much better practice to mail out my report to every household each year.  This gives me the chance to catch up with residents, and make sure issues I’ve been pursuing have been properly resolved!

If you wish to know more about my work, I write monthly reports for Cowes Town and Gurnard Parish Council meetings, available from Cowes Library.  These are reproduced in an edited format for the Cowes Magazine, Gurnard News and online through my blog paulfullercc.blogspot.com

Representing Our Community First.

I’m ever grateful and consider it a huge privilege to represent our community as local councillor.
Because I chose not to hold any key position within the Council, this enables me to focus on putting the needs of our community first.  Because I have no political baggage this enables me to work positively not only with officers, but also in partnership with Community Representatives from all backgrounds.

Since 2009, I’ve worked full time as your councillor strongly believing I’m elected to serve the interests of Cowes & Gurnard in County HalI, rather than serving the interests of County Hall in Cowes & Gurnard.  

As your Councillor, I’m here to serve all residents. If residents opinions conflict, I’ll work to find a compromise that suits all. As your Councillor if you’re not happy, or I get things wrong please tell me and I promise to do whatever is necessary to support you!   

How To Contact Me:

By Post to: 74 Wyatts Lane, Cowes, Isle of Wight. PO31 8QA.
By Telephone to: 01983 289595 (24 hours) or 07 935 090 835 (mobile or text)

Visits and Surgeries.

Please never hesitate to contact me if you require any support and I am happy to meet you at a time which suits you. If in the unlikely event, I can’t help you, I will try to signpost you to somebody who can.  Alternatively, please drop in to one of my surgeries which usually follows this cycle:
4:30-5pm, 1st Tuesday of the month: Cowes Library, 12-14 Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, 1st Tuesday of the month: Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
6-6:30pm, 2nd Tuesday of the month, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
1-1:30pm 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of the month, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard. (Summer)
3-3:30pm, 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of the month, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Av., Cowes (Term times)
5:30- 6pm, 4th or 5th Tuesday of the month, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.


Some of the initiatives I’ve been pursuing since April 2011:

April 2011.

·         I met with parents and staff at Cowes Primary School over traffic concerns.
·         Discussed with Gas Main contractors concerns over the closure of Cockleton Lane.
·          With officers, I prompted action taken on highway repairs, speeding traffic and developer contributions.


·         Consultation & Public Meeting called after Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment locations unveiled.
·         I took action following Cold Calling complaints.
·         I worked alongside Gurnard & Cowes Councils in preparing for a Community Bus Service.


·         I ensured action was taken on monitoring litter and dog fouling on Cowes & Gurnard beaches
·         I sat on Licensing Committee which granted a licence for IW Festival for 3 years.
·         I requested action taken following damage to protected woodland.


·         I attended end of term events at Cowes High, Cowes Primary & Gurnard  Primary schools
·         I supported resident’s representations over future proposals for the Gurnard School site.
·         I was elected as a Cowes Town Councillor.


·         I joined Andrew Turner MP during surgeries held in Cowes and Gurnard.
·         I supported residents of West View Road, Gurnard following concerns regarding traffic.
·         I arranged a meeting following a water quality failure in Cowes.
·         I liaised with residents over plans to replace the radio transmitter from Cowes High School.


·         The new Community Bus Service was launched. Residents were interviewed for the BBC’s One Show and Postcode Lottery.
·         I sat on Licensing Committee which granted the licence for the WOW Fest.
·         Action was taken following complaints over speeding traffic in Place Road and Park Road.
·         I requested further repairs following damage to Ward Avenue, Parklands Avenue, Baring Road and Crossfield Avenue.


·         I relayed resident’s Crime & Disorder concerns when questioning the Chief Constable.
·         I attended the Gurnard Luck Village Green application.
·          I ensured action was taken restoring bridges & footpaths following landslips on Gurnard Cliff.


·         I ensured Lower Church Road re-opened, following requests to prolong its closure
·         I called a meeting between highways and Police to resolve traffic issues in Baring Road.
·          Town Cllr. Bob Robinson and I undertook a  door to door survey with Cowes Businesses.


·         I called a meeting after highway safety concerns were raised by Cowes Enterprise College. New road crossing points have been consulted upon and agreed.
·         I ensured action was taken following complaints lodged over contractors parking on the Crossfield Avenue Estate.
·         I worked alongside Gurnard Parish Council in consulting on options for the former school site

January 2012.

·         I took action following traffic delay complaints.
·         Following appeals made, I was advised the community bus would serve Rew Street.
·         I supported appeals by residents to retain the NHS dentist in Cowes.
·          I was the only Councillor to support members taking a cut to their allowances at Full Council.


·         I helped instigate the Youth Advisor initiative between Cowes Enterprise College and local Councils.
·         I supported proposals to improve accessibility to Cowes Town Centre.
·          I supported residents over refuse changes.
·          I undertook and participated in consultations for the coming year’s IW Council Budget.


·         I took action to ensure there was a full consultation on the future of the Music Service
·         I supported proposals from Cowes Town Council & Gurnard Parish Council for successful Economic Improvement Grants.
·         I began working with residents and Local Council colleagues on Neighbourhood Plans.

Isle of Wight Council Budget 2012/ 2013.

As I have done since becoming a Councillor I listen to residents before working with others to set budgets each year.  This year as part of the 10 strong group of Independent Councillors who put forward a balanced and legal alternative budget.

In 2011, Councils found themselves making decisions which adversely impacted on public services. On the Island, Councillors took a number of difficult decisions. Many of these proposals I agreed with, whilst others, I didn’t.  Cutting back on Public Toilets, the Library Service, removing Tourist Information Centres and Lifeguards were some aspects of last year’s budget which I and many local residents were bitterly opposed to.

Proposals for the Independent Budget Included:

  • ·         Islandwide Residents Car Parking Permit.
  • ·         Adult Social Care & Community Wellbeing Reinvestment.
  • ·         Unoccupied Buildings Entrepreneurs Scheme.
  • ·         Footpath & Cycleway Investment Programme.
  • ·         Youth Sports Club Premises Grants.
  • ·         Lifeguards for Seaside Resorts.
  • ·         Library Support and Redevelopment.
  • ·         Youth Service Reinvestment. 
  • ·         Tourist Information Provision.
  • ·         Dog Fouling & Litter Prevention Enforcement.
  • ·         Public Toilet Expansion Scheme.
  • ·         TetraPak Recycling.
  • ·         Beach Hut Investment.
  • ·         Support for Volunteers and Town/ Parish Councils.
  • ·         Investing in Community Projects.
  • ·         Top Slicing PFI expenditure by 10%.
  • ·         Reducing Councillors Allowances by 7%.
  • ·         Renegotiating IW Council Contracts.
This alternative budget which I supported would have achieved all of the above whilst freezing Council Tax.

Neighbourhood Plans and update regarding Future Housing Allocations.

One of the biggest issues that I have been involved within the last year, is supporting residents with enquiries over future housing development.

This was brought to light following suggestions which came forward seeking the inclusion of any potentially surplus land for future housing within the new Island Plan.  Within Gurnard suggestions were made to include land in the Jordan Valley (west of Place Road & Baring Road) and the Luck Valley (west of Cockleton Lane & Lower Church Road), whilst in Cowes land between Lammas Close and Pine Tree Close was also included.

Following May 2011’s public meeting, planners at the Isle of Wight Council received more comments from residents of Gurnard, Northwood and Cowes than any other area.

Since then, I’m pleased to report land in Cowes was removed, whilst in Gurnard I’m working with the Parish Council in augmenting a Housing Needs Survey as part of Gurnard’s Neighbourhood Plan. This survey will determine more precisely how many new homes will be required and gives our communities the opportunity to decide how many and where new housing should be located.

Presently there are no plans to do the same in Cowes, however I anticipate with pressure to build new homes, protect local businesses, green gaps and safeguard our conservation areas there will be a need to create a Plan sooner rather than later.  I’ve requested this is to be discussed by Cowes Town Council.  If you want to know more, please contact me.
In the meantime, I continue to welcome and support applicants discussing their plans with neighbours, and am happy to facilitate such discussions prior to submitting any formal Planning Application.

In the last year…

Last year my term of office as a Governor at Cowes High School came to an end. Since then I continue to support Young People, Parents, Staff and Governors at Cowes Enterprise College, Cowes Primary School and Gurnard School as local councillor.

I’ve recently joined the Cowes Library Forum and continue to support and work closely with Gurnard Parish Council and Cowes Town Council. I continue being involved in the local Community Bus Project (now being successfully run by and with volunteer support). 

1 Year in numbers.  As your Councillor:

·         I am on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
·         I work full-time as Councillor and work between 30 and 60 hours a week
·         I attended 303 meetings associated with my work as an IW Councillor.
·         This includes 51 out of 51 IW Council summoned meetings, making me the best Councillor attendee for last year.
·         In addition I attended a further 59 associated meetings, briefings, site visits associated within my work.
·         I’ve attended 12 out of 12 Cowes Town Council’s monthly meetings and 12 out of 12 Gurnard Parish Council meetings plus a further 29 meetings associated with Parish/ Town Council activities  
·         I attended 55 Surgeries meeting 61 residents in 6 different venues.
·         I’ve called/ liaised 11 meetings in the past year, these include face to face meetings with Council Officers and meetings called with outside Agencies. 
·         I’ve written 12 monthly reports for Parish/ Town Councillors, which are edited and themed for Gurnard News, Cowes Beacon (until February) and the Cowes Magazine (from November)
·         I received over 3,000 Council related emails, 740 telephone calls and 43 letters (which I aim to respond to within 3 days- 12 hours for local residents)
·         I’ve leafleted 2,200 Annual Reports and a number of ‘local’ consultative reports.
·         I door-stepped and listened to the aspirations and concerns of over 50 businesses in Cowes.
·         As a Councillor I visited 83 residents, and attended 16 resident’s meetings.

This financial year I received a Councillors Allowance of £8,262.32 Gross Pay (this was £8,543.55 for 2010/2011)

My expenses for last year, are as follows:

£811.55 New Computer.
£240.00 Annual Report 2010/2011.
£196.54 Broadband, landline, mobile costs and use of home as office etc.
£ 43.47 Office Supplies (including ink, paper, stamps etc.)
£ 50.00 Donations.
£ 11.00 Travel Expenses .

£1,352.56 Total Expenses.
About Me.

I was first elected to serve as an Isle of Wight Councillor in 1995, where I represented Ryde North East as an Independent Councillor for 6 years.  On moving back to Cowes, I served on all three local councils and have continued to be actively involved in projects which support young people, crime prevention, the economy, planning and the environment.

I am married to Karen, and have two children (Caelan,15 and Zara,13) attending Cowes Enterprise College.

As your Isle of Wight Councillor I serve on Full Council, the Planning Committee, The Licensing & General Purposes Committee, The Economy & Environment Scrutiny Panel, The Children & Young People Scrutiny Panel and occasionally The Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel.

I am appointed by the IW Council as a member of the Local Access Forum, an independent body set up to monitor the Island’s rights of ways.

In my own right I’m a Cowes Town Councillor and a Northwood Parish Councillor. I’m a Trustee for the Friends Of Northwood Cemetery, a Friend of Northwood House & Park, sit on the Management Committee for the Footprint Trust and serve as a Justice Of The Peace. 

And Finally…

In the coming year, I’m committed to ensure our Council says yes, rather than no, and as long as I remain your Councillor, I’m committed to listen to you and fight your corner whenever and wherever necessary. In this role, I aim to be an effective and hardworking councillor doing this without any political prejudice. 

The reason I do this, is because I thoroughly enjoy it. Because I enjoy my ‘work’, I hope that it shows and I am achieving the right outcomes for our community!

Thank you for reading my report, and for supporting me for the last three years!

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