About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Monday, 11 July 2011

July Newsletter to (Cowes) Town and (Gurnard) Parish Councillors

Apologies to Gurnard Parish Councillors for this month circulating my Report in Electronic Form. My printer has broken down, hence letters being written in hand and Reports mailed out electronically.


6pm-6:30pm, Tuesday 12th July, Portland Inn, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

3:30-4pm, Wednesday 20th July, Cowes High School, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.

11-11:30am, Wednesday 27th July, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.

11:45-12 noon, Wednesday 27th July, Little Gloster, Marsh Road, Gurnard.

1.30- 2pm, Tues. 2nd August, Portland Inn, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

11-12am, Tues. 30th August, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.

5:30-6pm, Tuesday 6th September, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.

1. Cowes High School.

I attended a Residents Liaison Meeting at Cowes High School last week with Cllr Bob Robinson from Cowes Town Council. I have passed on complaints from car parking from residents, and dust that is blowing off the site. These matters have been taken up and (sort of) resolved by contractors, with steps taken. I’ve also received a complaint concerning the erection of flagpoles and the cutting back of the hedgerow. Once again Pihl have been very sympathetic to these matters which I hope will be resolved. Pihl have reported that the project remains ahead of schedule, with the school on course to be opened in December 2012.

I’d like to formally place on record my thanks to Bob and Dorothy Moir who have both been stars in their support to local residents!

2. Rew Street.

I am due to meet with local residents next week concerning an alleged breach of planning conditions relating to a business operating from this rural area. Complaints came to a head last week when contractors from SGN disposed of waste from their site.  I have been told this 'waste' was Bentonite Drilling Fluid, which is considered very effective for use on farmland, and is in no way harmful to the local environment.

3. Crossfield Estate- Open Planned Conditions.

A Planning Breach Of Condition Enforcement Notice has been served to a property owner on the estate, who erected a fence without consent. The resident has been given until 18th August to either comply or appeal against the decision.

4. Cowes Learning Centre.

Concerns have been passed onto me, concerning the future of Cowes Learning Centre in Love Lane, following the Centres inclusion within the SHLAA. I have passed this enquiry on to Councillors Mazillius and Peacey-Wilcox, and am happy to provide any support should this be required.

5. The Glen, Worsley Road.

An Application was received to redevelop this well known site in Gurnard. The Proposal will demolish The Glen (currently comprising of 6 flats), and remove outbuildings in favour for a new development of 14 sheltered housing units for the Over 55’s.

Because of the significance of this application, I have mail dropped most residents living nearby. The only concerns that have been raised over this application, relates to the fact that the roads are to be left open-ended. This road connection, it is feared could lead to further development of the Jordan Valley, and lies outside the development envelope. In the meantime, I will be discussing these concerns with the planning officer to see whether conditions can be implemented to prevent any occurance happening.

6. 8 Cliff Road.

I have received a number of representations from local residents opposed to the redevelopment of Cliff Cottage, 8 Cliff Road. Concerns raised include Design Issues, the impact upon the Queens Road Conservation Area, Loss of Privacy, Concerns over Scale and Mass, Ground Stability Issues and fears over Car Parking.

7. Ward Avenue Chalet.

Cowes Town Councillors that sit on the Planning Committee will be aware of a ‘chalet’ that has been constructed in the rear garden of a property in Ward Avenue. Given the concern that residents have expressed, I have asked the Planning Committee to visit the site to see for themselves this proposal.

This application is due to be heard by The Planning Committee on Tuesday 2nd August.

8. Gurnard School.

A pre-application Consultation took place in Gurnard School last week by the IW Council, who are seeking to dispose of Gurnard Primary School Site. The outline proposals seeks to development 7 new detached and semi detached houses where the school buildings currently sit.

Around 50 residents attended the consultation, and most considered the proposals to be less daunting that what they expected (!). I suggested consideration be given for two extra dwellings be provided for ‘affordable local housing’, but this was not considered either sustainable for this site and would cause the site to be overdeveloped on planning grounds.

I am hoping that when the Council disposes of the site, a community use can be maintained for the Playing Fields and Orchard.  Many Thanks to residents who joined in with this consultation

9. Cowes and Gurnard Beaches.

I continue to receive complaints concerning rubbish appearing on both beaches and keep asking for tidy ups to occur when complaints are forthcoming.

The Council continues to clean and monitor the beach westwards from Cowes to Gurnard Sailing Club, whilst volunteers continue to make themselves available for Beach Cleans west of Gurnard Sailing Club.  Last Month, I joined Parish Council Chairman, Richard Day and others beachcombing west of the club, and was surprised by how little litter we did actually collect- Whether this was down to the fact that locals are keeping the beach spotless, or whether this is down to fewer parties being held- I don't know!

In the meantime I've requested that Restorative Justice is considered as an option for West Gurnard Beach, and look forward to working in partnership with the police to see this happening in the coming weeks!  Many thanks to the Volunteers, and to Richard who was volunteered rather than volunteered, and I look forward to next time!

10. Cockleton Lane.

A section of Cockleton Lane has been resurfaced by contractors, to protect the lane from damage from future winter weather.

Unfortunately the contractor caused confusion to parents dropping children off to Gurnard School, by not conforming with statutory notices warning the school, local residents and road users of this. This is a matter I have taken up with the Council.

11. Woodland, Cowes/Gurnard Seafront.

I have received complaints concerning the planting of Eucalyptus and Willow Trees on woodland between Baring Road and Princes Esplanade. Concern has been expressed regarding how these trees may impact upon Ground Stability and water courses in the area. I have contacted both Tree Officer and Coastal Protection Officers to investigate this further.

12. School Governors.

The Isle of Wight Council are re-evaluating how they appoint Governors to schools. At last weeks Governors Briefing, Local Authority Governors were advised that Training was to be reviewed with Governors needing to reapply for positions currently held.

13. Andrew Turner, Summer Surgeries: Tuesday 2nd August

Our MP has surgeries this summer at 12:10pm, at the Village Clock, Gurnard and 12:40pm. The Co-Op, Carvel Lane.  If you want to discuss issues with Andrew, or myself I hope to join him at both venues!

In the last month:

14. Planning Enforcement officers have visited the Brambles (Solent Heights), Egypt Hill following complaints lodged regarding the location of these new homes, and how these fit in with the approved scheme.

15. Officers have also been asked to look into contractors parking in Baring Road on double yellow lines.  I have asked officers to look into this, and hope action has been taken to resolve this matter. 

16. I received a call from a resident concerned over future development adjacent to the Stables in Woodvale Road.

17.I joined other members, on a site visit prior to the Isle Of Wight Festival.

18. I attended a briefing with the Director concerning the reinstatement of Residents Parking Permits. The Council currently believes that a £150 permit would provide a shortfall of income for the local authority. In order to positively challenge this,  I am undertaking my own research, which I believe will provide evidence of good practice elsewhere.

19. I supported a motion that was put to the Isle of Wight Council, urging Councillors to circulate reports on off Island trips they undertake on behalf of the Authority.

20. I continue to receive complaints over bonfires from residents of Baring Road, Egypt Hill and Tuttons Hill. In response, I have supplied information as to what the law implies, and if residents consider making a formal complaint through Environmental Health how they go about doing this.

21. I have received 4 objections about relocating the Fire Call centre to Surrey. Despite undertaking my own research, I remain unconvinced that any relocation will be to the detriment of Islanders.

22. I attended the Economy and Environment Scrutiny Committee and asked questions in relation to recycling whether it was ever going to be viable to have a 100% target for diverting waste from landfill, and what could the Isle of Wight Council do to support Commercial Operators?) At the meeting it was also noted road incidents at Beaper Shute had been overcome following Highway Improvements in the area.

23. I attended the Cowes Area Neighbourhood Watch Meeting- and reported further incidents of pavement parking. At the meeting it was reported that items continue to be stolen from unlocked cars.

Next Month:

24. I am intending to meet with the Head Of Highways next month, if any Town or Parish Councillors or local residents  have any Questions they wish me to put on their behalf, please let me know before Tuesday 2nd August.

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