I sat on the Council’s Committee, who granted the Licence for this years Isle of Wight Festival.
Local Newport Councillors had expressed concerns that the long term increase to 89,999 from 69,999 will be to the detriment of residents living in Fairlee, Barton and Pan, and suggested numbers remained at 69,999.
From the perspective of objectors, the Police and Highways felt the site was adequate to cope with 100,000, whilst Environmental Health were happy to endorse the steps the IW Festival had taken to finish earlier than in 2010, and had every confidence in consultants to reduce noise nuisance. Therefore, it would have been difficult to sustain any refusal in light of these findings. I suggested than on the condition the applicant liaises closly with Local Councillors, I was happy to see the Festival approved.
Prior to the event Members of the Licensing Committee visited the site to see for ourselves the steps being taken by organisers.
I also sat on a Licensing Committee that objected to a local business who asked to sell food on two driveways in Fairlee Road, after 11pm. This objection was refused on perceived Crime and Disorder grounds whereby concern was raised that people leaving the Festival Site waiting to be served food could become disruptive and potentially disturb local residents. This could be if approved, the additional need for a police presence away from the Festival Site.
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