The Core Strategy is the most important document of the Island Plan Local Development Framework, which will guide planning and development up to 2027. It sets out the key elements of the future development on the Island. The Island Plan Proposed Submission Core Strategy, Proposals Map, Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) have been published for public consultation from Friday 29th October to 4.30pm, Friday 10th December 2010, in accordance with Reg. 27 of the Town & Country Planning Regulations 2008. For details see: In summary objectives for the future of the Medina Valley Key Regeneration Area will:
1. Identify appropriate development sites within or immediately adjacent to the settlement boundaries within the Area Action Plan boundary, for the majority of the 1255 dwellings allocated for the area.
2. Provide for 35% of affordable housing, but consider whether levels of affordable housing higher than those set can be achieved. (See Policy DM4 sets out the Strategies Affordable Housing Principles)
3. Revise the development envelopes set out in the AAP Boundary as Required.
4. Identify and allocate suitable sites for Gypsies, Travellers, and Travelling Show People (See Policy DM6)
5. Determine whether further employment land is required to be allocated, particularly whether there is a need for B8 distribution services in this general location.
6. Identify employment sites with deep water frontage and establish whether those existing uses require further policy protection, to ensure that deep water access is maintained for employment uses that require it.
7. Establish whether there is the need for further retail allocations above that already allocated.
8. Review the Town Centre Boundaries and Primary Retail Frontages.
9. Define and ensure that the areas which separate the key settlements of Cowes/Newport and East Cowes/ Newport are appropriately protected to prevent settlement coalescence.
10. Determine how the identified deficiency in Green Infrastructure can be addressed.
11. Identify the precise type and location of waste facilities to serve development to significantly contribute to the waste target outlined in policy SP8.
12 Establish the nature and level of renewable energy that will be brought forward through the proposed development, although the use of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and/or District Heating schemes will be expected.
13. Consider the feasibility of improving the sustainable transport routes on both sides of the River Medina.
14. Establish the precise form of the identified junction improvements and whether further minor infrastructure provisions will be required to support the location and level of growth proposed within the AAP.
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