- Adult Care threshold savings (saving £1.5m) and the Council’s Charging Policy savings (saving £0.9m- £1.25m)
- Relocating services from Westminster House to The Adelaide and The Gouldings (saving £214k per year)
These savings are subject to a 90 day formal consultation.
- Reviewing discretionary travel for denominational school transport from September 2011.
- Combining the IW Council’s Fire Control Centre with another authority.
- Reconfiguring Leisure Services.
- To reissue residents Annual Parking Permits from December (at £150 per year) & Town specific Tourist permits.
Proposals from the prospective savings will be considered in February 2011.
At the meeting, not wishing to throw a damp squid in to the proposals I felt that I had to support something, and I was thankful the proposal to reissue Parking Permits which was first tabled in the alternative budget which I supported earlier this year was now being supported by the administration.
However, I could find no tangible proposals were suggested to cutting top earners pay, no suggestions to cutting the cost of street lighting, turning off traffic lights, reducing the Council's communication bill, creating savings by cutting CO2, or appointing fewer consultants.....
In December the Cabinet will review how Call Centres, Libraries & Tourist Information Centres can be used more efficiently.
I understand the quandary you find yourself in Councillor in relation to the surreal situation regarding the Coalition Government's fiscal policy.
ReplyDeleteWhich direction does the IOW Council intend to go in trying to, at least on the surface, keep within 'Party' lines. The only losers will of course be the low earners and those on various benefits. All the 'smoking mirrors' in the world will not hide the real harm that will befall many on the Island and Northwood in particular. I firmly believe there must be room for huge savings some where within the county budget? My fear is that Party Politics will dictate what is cut and which services survive the axe.
It's really a matter of priorities. The difficulty that I have is trying to quantify that those who make the decisions on where the axe falls are not those who suffer. Those who suffer are usually those that are unable or less inclined to stand up for themselves.
ReplyDeleteWill the Cabinet Members look to cut their number? Will Directors consider cutting their salaries. Will communications be cut? My belief is that local authorities will have to be entrusted to make prudent savings across the board. This should involve getting out of their offices and listening to communities, rather than constructing questionnaires in such a way that a handful of residents will tell the council what it wants to hear.
Unless this happens, the community will continue to mistrust politicians and local authorities more and more, and more, and more often will I hear residents say why should I bother? It's very frustrating, and might suggest why Counils feel they can continue to get away with the decisions they do!