* The progress in implementing savings as highlighted through the monthly Star Chamber process.
* The impact of the £6.2 billion of savings announced in May by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
* The emergency budget announced by the government in June.
At the meeting Councillors resolved to implement the following cuts/ savings:
Children & Young People:
+ Reduction in activity funded by Area Based Grant (saving £847,000 per annum)
+ Stopping 0-7 Pilot and Contact Point Grants (saving £250,000 per annum)
Economy & Environment:
+ Cessation of Student Rider from 1st Sept. (saving £210,000 2010/1 & £485,000 for 2011/2)
+ Reduce or Stop Road Safety spend (saving £73,000 per annum)
+ Review Bus Subsidies (saving £60,000 in 2010/1 & £281,000 in 2011/2)
+ Delivering better services through Transformation (saving £2,115,000 in 2010/1 & £5,608,000 in 2011/2)
+ Reduction in activity for Events, Communications & Publications (saving £185,000 in 2010/1 & £350,000 in 2011/2)
+ Moratorium of Discretionary spend on supplies (saving £150,000 per annum)
+ Recruitment & Staffing Cost constraints (saving £250,000 in 2010/1 & £392,000 in 2011/2)
Prior to the Council meeting, Councillors were lobbied by constituents concerned by these proposals. Of all suggestions made the most controversial was the withdrawal of Student Rider, which until September enabled students to travel for £1.20.
I met with students before the meeting, and felt strongly that with current costs escalating for families and those on low incomes any increase would be unfair. In supporting Eco-Island and the freedom of movement for all, I believed withdrawal of Student Rider and rural bus services could not be justified, and was the only Cowes Councillor to vote against these cuts.
Since July’s meeting Southern Vectis has thrown a life-line to Under 19’s, and from the 1st September will now charge half fares for anyone under 19 (rather than 14). This is a commercial decision by Southern Vectis and was announced to the Youth Forum following discussions between the Youth Council, Southern Vectis and IW Council Officers.
In September Councillors will review its budget further, focusing on Parking Income & Permits, Wightbus, Leisure Centres, The Cowes Ferry, Westminster House & LD review, the Capital Programme Review & prudential borrowing, the Regional Fire Control Centre and Free Transport Arrangements for post 16 students. Adult Social Care is also due to be reviewed. This will include charging for day care, reviewing arrangements for free homecare for over 80’s, increasing the price of meals on wheels and reviewing eligibility criteria for services. As always, please don’t hesitate to let me know your thoughts!
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