About Me

INDEPENDENT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR FOR COWES WEST & GURNARD (Since 2009) Timeline: 1993 Green Candidate for IWCC Election (Ryde NE); 1994 Green Party European Elections Candidate (Wight & Hampshire South); 1995-2001 Independent IW Councillor (Ryde NE); 2001-2005 and 2011- Cowes Town Councillor; 2005-2009 and 2012- Gurnard Parish Councillor; 2008- Northwood Parish Councillor; from 2009 Independent IW Councillor (Cowes West & Gurnard). I've served as a Justice of the Peace since 2001. INDEPENDENT? I'm fully Independent was an Executive/ Cabinet member until 2017 and from 2021. As an Independent I robustly defend putting the needs of communities first. I have no political activists, sponsors or businesses shadowing me and therefore my loyalty to represent Gurnard & Cowes is absolute. I aspire to be a hard working, transparent, effective and enthusiastic Ward Councillor. Please contact me to meet at your convenience, or visit my surgeries listed below. Thank you for visiting my website!

Thursday, 27 September 2018

IW Councillor's Report, October 2018


4:30-5pm, Tuesday 2nd October, Cowes Library, 12-14 Beckford Road, Cowes.
5:30-6pm, Tuesday 2nd October, Sports Bar, Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Friday 5th October, Gurnard Press, Worsley Road, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, Wednesday 10th  October, The Woodvale, Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.
3-3:30pm, Wednesday 17th October, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes.
10:30-11am, Thursday 25th October, Coffee & Chat at All Saints Church, Tuttons Hill, Gurnard.
6-6:30pm, Wednesday 31st October, The Portland, Worsley Road, Gurnard.

Gurnard Pines.

I have received feedback, in the form of 10 emails, 2 telephone calls and 1 letter from residents of Gurnard Pines concerning issues on site.

In summary the issues raised are as follows:

1.    Electricity and Water Meters, and imposition of ‘unfair’ charges, particularly the standing charge costs for meters.
2.    Site Maintenance and concerns relating to health and safety matters.
3.    Support for vulnerable residents.  

To ensure the attendance of key stakeholders, a drop-in will take place                                        at Gurnard Pines CafĂ©. In attendance will be myself, Monergy Experts- The Footprint Trust and Adult Services.  The focus of the drop-in surgery is to offer support and advice to local residents.  If residents are not able to make it to the drop-in, Adult Services are happy to visit residents in their home on the day.  

In addition the Footprint Trust can provide free visits to homeowners where support is given on how to reduce energy bills, switch supplier and get discounts on water charges plus help available from other charities and government bodies.  To receive support, please email info@footprint-trust.co.uk or call 01983 822282.

In the meantime, I continue to seek feedback from residents on their concerns and experiences- All feedback is treated as confidential, and will be used to summarise issues being addressed by residents.

Land adjacent to Dottens Farm.

Proposals to develop ten dwellings (8 detached, and 2 semi-detached) on farmland adjacent to Dottens Farm is now under consultation.  Unlike the approved scheme from May 2017, the new proposal accesses dwellings from one road rather than from a crescent.  In addition the agent suggests that the new scheme lessens its impact upon the listed Dottens Farm and barn.

It is noted that the proposal for 8 dwellings was approved. However, a previous application for 11 dwellings was withdrawn by the former applicant…

Last month, I called a meeting with local residents, where the Planning Agent gave advance notice of proposals.

The deadline for comments is Friday 5th October.

Boundary Review.

Following feedback from the IW Council, the Boundary Commission has published proposals for revised ward boundaries. For details, please visit:  https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/12655. Proposals for Cowes remain unchanged, except for the boundary between Cowes North and Cowes West being moved west.

Interestingly proposals for rural areas has meant that these areas may have significant changes on how Parishes are linked within the proposals. Suggestions from the Isle of Wight Council kept most rural areas unchanged, whereas the Commission’s proposals replace the two member Bembridge, St. Helens and Brading Ward, with a two member ward for Ventnor and Wroxall.   New proposals will also reduce the number of IW Councillors from 40 to 39.

The consultation ends 12th November.

Road Resurfacing.

Last month Tuttons Hill and the Roundhouse mini-roundabout was resurfaced.  At the last minute, following concerns raised by bus passengers, I was in discussion with both Island Roads and Southern Vectis about reducing the length of closure of the Roundhouse Bus Stops and the diversion of the No. 1 bus to Cowes and Newport. 

In addition, Island Roads have decided to resurface Solent View Road, rather than Worsley Road.  This is due to surveys taking place, which considered that the carriageway for Solent View Road being in a poorer condition.

In the meantime, I continue to chase up Crossfield Avenue and (lower) Park Road being given a higher priority.

Cowes Traffic Regulation Order.

I have been advised that the new TRO which relates to Baring Road and Woodvale Road remains unamended to what was advertised earlier this year.  This remains at the stage where it is due to be processed (within October). This will continue to be chased up, until the lines are removed and repainted where appropriate.

In the meantime I am also in liaison with officers concerning amended loading conditions in place in Park Road between the junctions with Ward Avenue and Blackberry Lane, where recent difficulties have been encountered by residents receiving deliveries.

Consultation for a Combined Fire Authority.

The IW Council and Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority are seeking views of residents and stakeholders on the proposed creation of a new combined Fire Authority for the Isle of Wight, Hampshire, Southampton and Portsmouth.

Please visit: https://www.hantsfire.gov.uk/about-us/who-we-are/hampshire-fire-and-rescue-authority/consultation/ for further details. This consultation continues until 26th October

Isle of Wight Coastal Path.

At the recent meeting of the Local Access Forum, I received an update on progress of the Isle of Wight section of the English Coastal Path.

Officers highlighted that timescales have slipped due to discussions taking place with landowners. 

Of note is the following:

·         Discussions are ongoing with the Ministry Of Defence and English Heritage about access to the Newtown Estuary and Osborne Bay.  Landowners made the point that it seems unfair that they are under pressure to make concessions to Natural England, whereas Government Agencies are showing less will.
·         At present there are suggestions to bypass the Locksgreen Road which is dangerous. English Nature are requesting that access is ideally provided at Newtown Camp, when not being used.  An alternative path may be provided inland from the Locksgreen Road.
·         Coastal access from Porchfield to Thorness may arise through using existing paths past/ through Burnt Wood and via the Thorness Bay Nature Walk.
·         There would be upgrades to the existing Coastal Path from Bouldner to Cranmore.
·         There would be inclusion of Water’s Copse and Clamerkin Lake within the path.
·         My suggestion to include existing paths from Cowes to Newport to East Cowes is likely to be accepted.
·         Throughout the path will be various alternative low tide and high tide routes.

Links and suggestions made by IW Ramblers can be found at: http://www.iowramblers.com/island-coastal-trail.

Seafront Cycling. 

Complaints continue to be received of cyclists using the seafront pavement between Cowes and Gurnard.  If you are a competent cyclist, there is no reason to cycle on the pavement as the highway is wide enough to accommodate all traffic!

Please let me know your thoughts on pavement cycling, and provide feedback your experiences both as pedestrians and as cyclists.  This will be discussed by Gurnard Parish Council! 

Seafront Railings.

The condition of the railings on Cowes Seafront continues to cause concerns.  Several years ago the IW Council (who has health and safety liabilities for the railings) approached Cowes Town Council and Gurnard Parish Council for financial support.  However, at that time due to the costs for replacement and the IW Council’s liabilities, no support was forthcoming from our local councils. This I supported.

This was followed by discussions that took place to consider the removal of railings, which was rejected by officers due to the requirement to ensure that the level of safety was maintained.   In response the IW Council undertook minimal repairs to replace the worse stretches of railings. In addition, I am supporting a Capital Bid which has been made to repair and replace the railings.  

Southern Vectis. 

I am meeting Southern Vectis to discuss concerns raised with them concerning overfilled buses during the summer.

Please let me know before 4th October, any concerns you have (apologies for the short timeframe!) 

Regeneration Strategy.

The Isle of Wight Council has started a major regeneration programme to help create more jobs, better housing and an even better quality of life for residents.  In order to help inform the priorities for regeneration, the Council are liaising with residents through a “The Wight We Want” conversation.  These conversations are held in five area workshops will help the Council understand more about what residents want to see in place for future generations over the next 10 years and beyond.

This will be reflected in The Council’s Regeneration Study for the Island. The draft strategy is currently under consultation and feedback is welcomed.  For details please visit: https://iwightinvest.com/the-wight-we-want/.  This consultation continues until 12th October.

Full Council.

·         Concern was raised over the Isle of Wight Council opposing Southampton City Council’s Clean Air Strategy.  It was highlighted by the Council’s leadership the impact proposals may have over freight to the Island.  Discussions are ongoing between leaders of both Councils. From my perspective, following the feedback I receive concerning pollution levels from docked cruise liners, shipping and Fawley, I am supportive of Southampton dealing with the excessive pollution levels residents face.
·         The IW Council suggested it’s will to repeal Planning Approvals, should development not be forthcoming.  From my perspective, I am unsure whether this would be possible given legislation would require changing.
·         Councillors agreed to the Independent Remuneration Panel to increase Councillors allowances by 2%. True to form, I was one of 3 Councillors to vote against proposals.
·         Following amendments falling, Full Council opposed proposals being made by Government to remove local control over the extraction of fossil fuels. I supported both both the motion and alternatives!!

Mayor’s Report.

In the last month I have attended meetings with:

·         Cowes Business Association and

·         Cowes Shoreside Committee, An update was provided on Cowes Week and suggestions for next year. In Summary, a view was expressed by stakeholders that Cowes Week saw an uplift in trade, whilst sponsors had a good year. This was echoed by Red Funnel’s increase in passenger levels.  On calm days, racing occurred later in the day rather than being cancelled. This was appreciated by competitors. The Plastic Free initiative proved popular.  Concerns raised included the lack of visible policing, toilets and lack of signposting between venues.

·         IW Council Town and Parish Council Seminar. Reports and Question and Answer sessions were provided on:

1. The Combined Fire Service Review;
2. Community Service Programme and
3. The Boundary Commission Review.

·         Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils. Updates were given on:

1. Dark Skies, and the inclusion of the ‘South Western Quarter’ only being incorporated within proposals;
2. Age Friendly Island initiatives and the involvement of Town and Parish Councils;
3. Subscriptions;
4. Difficulties being experienced in meeting with HALC (Hampshire Association of Local Councils);
5 Travel to the Mainland for patients (Both Scottish Islands and the Scilly Isles receive concessions)
6.The need for greater recognition from Planners for Town & Parish Councils to receive developer contributions.
7. The need for better connectivity and updates from the Isle of Wight Council.  

·         Meeting with Mural Artists for The Cut (with Cllr Taylor)

With Councillors Peacey-Wilcox, Bartrum, Bartrum and Adams I attended the Isle Of Wight Day celebrations.  Also in attendance also working hard as well as supporting the event was Councillors Hammond and Ellis. 

Work on the Town Council’s Newsletter has been completed.  My grateful thanks to Councillors and Residents for their ideas and contributions! This is due to be distributed to residents in October.  Please let your Councillors know if you do not receive yours!

From 10:30-11:30am, Friday 23rd November at Cowes Library a drop in session has been arranged for residents wanting to save money through switching energy suppliers and efficiency measures through the Footprint Trust Charity. The Trust advises that on average householders can save £200 per year on utility bills following their free consultations. Please visit http://footprint-trust.co.uk/ or call 01983 822282 for further information.

It is with sadness I report the resignation of Cllr Amanda Glendenning, who as Chairman of the Town Council’s Finance, Staffing and Acquisitions Committee who worked exceptionally hard forging links with our community.

At the recent Finance Committee, Cllr Jean Bartrum was unanimously elected Chairman.  

For details of the vacancy please contact Debbie Faulkner at: townclerk@cowestowncouncil.org.uk or call 209022.

Also this month:

·         I continue to oppose proposals to light bonfires within the context of the Construction Management Plan.  In addition the Planners and Environmental Health have also acknowledged the concerns raised by residents and Gurnard Parish Council.  In light of residents opposition, I remain optimistic that a solution can be found.
·         Following residents feedback, I have supported a petition calling on cheaper ferry fares for all Islanders.
·         I have requested hedge cutting takes place in Rew Street and Blackberry Lane.
·         I have contacted Island Roads to cleanse paths leading to Northwood Recreation Ground.  In addition, I have received complaints concerning dogs off leads in the fenced off play area.  I have requested further incidents are reported to me.
·         I’ve received calls concerning the approved Telecoms mast at Cliff Farm, Rew Street.  The mast, I’m informed will improve coverage solely for Vodaphone customers.
·         Action was taken concerning a vehicle that was parked on Baring Road on double yellow lines. Following intervention the owner has agreed to park their vehicle off road!
·         I am supporting the IW Councillor for Parkhurst in opposing proposals to reconfigure the road lay-out at St. Mary’s Roundabout, which I consider will exacerbate the flow of traffic for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
·         Complaints were received concerning garden waste not being taken away on the day of collection.   I have requested better communication takes place between contractors, The Council, residents and Councillors to prevent future confusion over incidents taking place.
·         This year Cowes Medical Centre are providing Flu Jabs by appointment.  For details please call: 294902.
·         The new ATM at Red Funnel is now operating!  Functioning ATM’s are also available at Sainsbury’s and the Central Convenience Store next to Benzies.  Other ATM’s are available at the Co-Op in Mill Hill Road; Aldi, Three Gates Road; Gurnard Pines whilst there are ATM’s with a charge at Northwood Stores and Nisa, Gurnard. 
I have reported incidents of the alleged disposal of waste building material on the beach below Shore Path. Please let me know if you have information concerning this!
Following the discontinuation of Yarmouth's Old Gaffers Festival, I have been approached regarding whether it may be possible for the Festival to return to Cowes.  Please let me know your ideas!